ELUPEG Projects

Freight documents are mostly paper-based which makes proper handling and handover uncontrolled. The data and signatures in these documents are rarely provided in time for forwarders, shipping agents, carriers and insurance companies. Furthermore, the paper-based system throws the gates wide open for fraud and errors. Despite all the shortcomings – the CMR remains important as it is used in tax, duty and accounting processes. One thing is clear - all of these issues can be fixed by digitizing this document.

Our project is based on the international “e-CMR” standard, which is in the process of ratification in most EU countries right now.

The benefits of digital freight documents:

  • cutting process costs by making use of automation potential
  • fast real-time access to data for all involved parties through direct connection to Transportation Management Systems
  • exact protocolling of data changes (currently changes are noted in hand-writing on each CMR copy)
  • immediate digital proof-of-delivery after the last signature
  • easily archivable and traceable, in case of inspections

The co-creation project: "Blockchain Initiative Logistics“

Digitizing freight documentation has major benefits for companies like carriers and forwarders. The potential grows even further, when several market participants agree on a common standard. For that reason, a joint effort by market leaders DB Schenker and LKW Walter has been started, to find a standardized solution for the industry. GS1/editel is also part of the consortium and in charge of ensuring the implementation is based on international standards. Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien is supporting the project academically. The Austrian Logistics Association (BVL) is helping to market the standard within the industry. EY is taking a coordinating role within the consortium as well as leading the implementation.

The goal of the consortium is to develop a commercial platform that can go live in 2021. The platform will be operated jointly by forwarders and third-party logistics providers. Furthermore, the platform will be available for use by other forwarders, carriers, companies etc. Another potential partner would be the industry sector, as they could automate part of their damage claims process. Extended functionality would allow participants and clients to run analyses and gain deeper insights into their transports as well as having several possibilities to connect to their current systems.

This project was completed in February 2021. Click here to read the final case studies
ELUPEG was part of the consortium for this 30 month project that started on September 1st 2018
For more information see the website www.iconetproject.eu
ELUPEG is part of the consortium for this project starting on September 1st 2016 - for more information see the SELIS website

The Shared European Logistics Intelligent Information Space is a network of logistic communities’ specific shared intelligent information spaces termed SELIS Community Nodes. SELIS Community Nodes are constructed by individual logistics communities to facilitate the next generation of collaborative, responsive and agile green transportation chains. SELIS Community Nodes link with their participants’ existing systems through a secure infrastructure and provide shared information and tools for data acquisition and use, according to a 'cooperation agreement'. Connected nodes, provide a distributed common communication and navigation platform for Pan European logistics applications. Each Node decides what information wishes to publish and what information wants to subscribe to. The SELIS Community Node concept represents the evolution of a longline of research in this area. The fundamental principle is that it provides a ‘lightweight ICT structure’ to enable information sharing for collaborative sustainable logistics for all at strategic and operational levels

NexTrust is a 31 member consortium of some of Europe’s leading thinkers on collaborative logistics. Its objective is to increase efficiency and sustainability in logistics by developing an innovative business model with interconnected, trusted, collaborative networks along the entire supply chain.

ELUPEG was part of the consortium and the 42 month project successfully concluded on October 31st 2018.

This project has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation programme under grant agreement 635874
For more information see www.nextrust-project.eu

ALICE was launched on the 11th of June 2013 with the support of European Commission DG MOVE and DG RESEARCH and recognized as an official European Technology Platform by the European Commission in July 2013. ALICE has been set-up to develop a comprehensive strategy for research, innovation and market deployment of logistics and supply chain management in Europe with the mission: “to contribute to a 30% improvement of end to end logistics performance by 2030”.

For more information on ALICE see the You Tube ALICE Channel

An Intelligent Multi-modal Collaboration Gateway accessed through a Hi-Speed Portal to create the strategic capability where shippers and transport providers can match Supply & Demand & can view the best routing options for goods in terms of value & CO2 emissions.

All this through the provision of an organised “work-space” that permits the collaboration of shippers and transport providers utilizing Road, Rail, Inland Waterways, Short Sea & Coastal Shipping Modes.
To create a market space in which each can share and exchange data in order to optimise Service levels, Carbon Footprint, Utilisation of Assets, Value for Money
The TGMatrix vision requires a necessary change in the current transport procurement paradigm.
This project was a 3 year project that was successfully completed in August 2014. There were 18 members of the consortium of which ELUPEG was one along with a High Level Industry Board (HLIB) whose role was to review and discuss CO³ milestones and results and give valuable market feedback for development and success of the project.